[100-102] ImagePro 11
2D Analysis Bundle
Image-Pro – Base
File Management, 2D Viewer, Process/Adjust, Usability, Data Management, Reports, Auditing, Scripting
2D Measurements – Module
Direct & Assisted Measurements, Auto Shape & Edge Detection, Classification, & Color Measurement.
2D Automated Analysis – Module
Smart Segmentation, Classification, 2D Tracking, & the Essentials Protocol Collection with 3 Protocols.
Object Count | Percent Area |
Objects within Objects |
상기 표의 테이블을 클릭하시면, 하기와 같이 동영상을 확인하실 수 있습니다.
[Option] Image-Pro 11
Protocols – Cell Biology – Extension
Apoptosis | Autophagy |
Cell Count | Cell Morphology |
Cell Proliferation | Confluence |
Confluence | Live/Dead |
Ring | Transfection 1 Label Transfection 2 Label |
상기 표의 테이블을 클릭하시면, 동영상을 확인하실 수 있습니다.
Protocols – Cell Biology Plus – Extension
Angiogenesis | Colocalization |
Neurite Outgrowth | Translocation Total Cellular Area |
Wound Healing | Translocation Area Above Threshold |
상기 표의 테이블을 클릭하시면, 동영상을 확인하실 수 있습니다.
Protocols – Materials – Extension
Composite Materials | Layers Concentric |
Layers Curved | Layers Parallel |
Fiber Separation | Fiber Thickness |
Particles Size | Particles Phase |
Phase | Pores |
상기 표의 테이블을 클릭하시면, 동영상을 확인하실 수 있습니다.
Features added to Image-Pro v.11
(Compared to Image-Pro v.10)