카테고리 보관물: Software


Advance Realtime Monitor. Easy-to-Use, Image Enhancement, etc

1. Information

ARM is image analysis software for JNOPTIC AcquCAM cameras. This S/W is interchangeable with all WDM cameras regardless of camera brand and model and even more the most strength point is simple and easy use of length, area, angle, etc.ARM01

2. Simple measurement tools


  • Measurement Tools: Count, Distance, Angle, Area, etc.
  • Guide Lines: Cross Line, Rectangular Lattice, Circular Grid
  • Scale Panel on Live/Image Screen
  • Available measurement on LIVE image and saved image mode

3-1. Specialization for observation of fluorescence images

Improvement Function about Fluorescence Microscopy Image. (Used function: Auto Level, Low level, Pseudo Color, Merge Image)
 Bottom on the left is merged image without improvement of image. And the bottom on the right is merged image after improvement of image. These images are shot by JNOPTIC AcquCAM Pro/G3 camera

3-2-1 Effect of high-contrast image with simple operation (Monochrome)

Improvement Function about Microscopy Image Monochrome. (Used function: Auto Level)arm04Effective improvement of image with simple operation. This image is shot by JNOPTIC Pro/S3 camera

3-2-2 Effect of high-contrast image with simple operation (Color)

Improvement Function about Microscopy Image. (Used function: Auto Level)arm05Effective improvement of image with simple operation. These images are shot by JNOPTIC AcquCAM Pro/G3 camera

3-3-1 Live Pseudo Color (for color camera)

When you get fluorescence images using color camera, if the unwanted channel was shown because of cross talk, you could remove this channel to take advantage of function of Live Pseudo.
Improvement Function about Fluorescence Microscopy Live Camera Image. (Used function: Live Pseudo Color)
 The extraction of wanted color information from color image (Remove BR on RGB source) These images are shot by JNOPTIC AcquCAM Pro/G3 camera

3-3-2 Live Pseudo Color (for Monochrome camera)

When you get fluorescence images using monochrome camera, you can raise efficiency of acquisition for fluorescence images to add similar false color to the color to be shown on the eyepiece in real time.
Improvement Function about Fluorescence Microscopy Live Monochrome Camera Image. (Used function: Live Pseudo Color)
 Improvement of usage environment for monochrome camera to add false color on the image. These images are shot by JNOPTIC AcquCAM Pro/S3 camera

4. JNO-MHU(Option Unit)

Available measuring height with additional unit, JNO-MHU
※ JNO-MHU is sold separately as optional unit.
 Left: Focus on top of sample (Z-axis reset), Right: Focus on bottom of sample (Z-axis height measurement)
 < Measuring condition : over 20x objective, temp 20°C >
Responding Model Measurement value unit Measurable height Error of measuring 1000㎛ Recommended measuring height
CX 41 0.2 ㎛ -9.9 ~ 29.9㎜ Below ±20㎛ Below ± 2000㎛
CKX 41 0.2 ㎛ -9.9 ~ 29.9㎜ Below ±20㎛ Below ± 2000㎛
BX – FM 0.2 ㎛ -9.9 ~ 29.9㎜ Below ±20㎛ Below ± 2000㎛
BX 51/53 0.1 ㎛ -9.9 ~ 29.9㎜ Below ±10㎛ Below ± 1000㎛
MX 51 0.1 ㎛ -9.9 ~ 29.9㎜ Below ±10㎛ Below ± 1000㎛
MX 61L/61 0.1 ㎛ -9.9 ~ 29.9㎜ Below ±10㎛ Below ± 1000㎛

5. Reporting to Excel




OpTIC Eye (Material)

JNOPTIC Image Analysis Software OpTIC Eye Series

Catalog_OpTIC Eye

  1. OpTIC Eye (Material)

– 형상측정(상분율측정)
: 두가지 이상의 색상을 추출하여 면적율 계산
– 그레인사이즈(Grain Size Analysis)
: ASTM E 1382에 의한 금속표면의 결정립도 산출
: 교차점 / 면적 / 수동면적 추출방식
– 구상화율 분석(Nodular-graphite analysis)
: ASTM, ISO, JIS 규격에 따라 분석이 가능
– 비금속 개재물(Non-Metallic Inclusion)
: 산화물, 규산물, 황화물, 내화물, 광재등 추출


영상분석에 의한 구상화율 측정 (nodular-graphite analysis)

주철분석 소프트웨어 모듈로 ASTM, JIS, KS 규격에 따라 구상흑연주철의 구상흑연에 대하여 현미경영상분석을 통해 구상화율을 측정하고 결과를 표시합니다.

구상화율 측정 모듈의 사용자 인터페이스


영상분석에 의한 결정도립 측정 (rain Size Analysis)


  • ASTM에 의거, 금속표면의 Grainsize(결정립크기) 및 ASTM Grain Size Number(결정립도)를 산출합니다.
  • ASTM 결정립도를산출하기 위하여 교차추출 및 면적추출방식중 택일하여 간단히 측정할 수 있습니다.
교차추출(Intercept)방식의 측정
면적추출(Planimetric)방식의 측정









OpTIC Eye (Auto)

JNOPTIC Image Analysis Software OpTIC Eye Series

Catalog_OpTIC Eye

  1. OpTIC Eye (Auto)

– 셀이미지 자동측정(5단계 easy측정)
: 영상분할, 측정항목설정, 측정, 분류, 성적서기능
– 면적, 면적비, 반경, 직경등 15개 항목 자동측정

Auto Counting

영상을 자동 분석하는 기능입니다. 영상을 개체들(Objects)과  배경(Background)으로 분할(Segmentation)함 으로써 측정할 영역을 한번에 검출해내고, 면적 등을 자동측정 합니다. Auto Count는 위의 차례대로 측정이 이루어 집니다.

  • 영상분할(Segmentation)
  • 측정항목설정(Define Measure)
  • 측정(Measure)
  • 분류(Classification)
  • 성적서(Report)

측정 항목 설정(Define Measure)


  • 원하는 측정 항목 설정
  • 측정항목별 그림에 의한 상세설명
  • 구간 설정: 상한, 하한 적용가능

측정결과를 분석/분류 (Classification)


View Measurement를 통한 실시간 측정 항목 display 측정

크기별로 그룹화(Classification), 그룹별 색상화 가능



측정결과를 4가지 형태의 Chart로 표시: Histogram, Line graph, Pie, Scatter-gram Excel 전송 가능